State Licenses

GenPoint Mortgage Licensing

A mortgage company must hold a valid license in a given state in order to do mortgage loans in that state. Below is the list of state licenses for GenPoint Mortgage, Llc.

State License
District of Columbia MLB2620106
Florida MBR7477
Maryland 2620108
North Carolina B-223884
Virginia MC-7931 (Broker and Lender)

Loan Officer Licensing

A loan officer must hold a valid license in a given state in order to do mortgage loans in that state. Below is the list of state licenses for GenPoint Mortgage’s loan officers.

Mike McBride

NMLS # 457863

State License
District of Columbia MLO457863
Florida LO33018
Maryland 457863
North Carolina I-216803
Virginia MLO-24203VA

Mack McBride

NMLS # 2155486

State License
District of Columbia MLO2155486
Florida LO130519
Maryland 2155486
North Carolina I-223500
Virginia MLO-68267VA